Chaplins Pantomime Company put on their interpretation of ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ at CNGA on Saturday. The children thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were joining in all the fun and laughter – a great success enjoyed by everyone – thank you Chaplins!
On Sunday a select group of gymnasts performed 3 Christmas routines at Welsh Gymnastics Christmas Festival in Cardiff at Sophia Gardens. All 3 performances were amazing and they received a rapturous applause for their sparkling, Christmas routines – well done girls. There are some lovely photos and video clips of the pantomime and the festival in Cardiff on our social media pages. #love gym#participate#enjoy#achieve!
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What an amazing weekend of gymnastics at CNGA. Over 190 gymnasts took part in our annual Christmas show. Dressed up in their Christmas outfits, the gymnasts did fantastic dance routines and showed off their skills to a fabulous packed audience.
Well done to all our gymnasts for taking part. A special well done to the competition squad gymnasts who performed at every show over the weekend – with their last routine being just as spectacular as their first routine.
A special thanks from the Directors to all our volunteer staff who supported the Academy over the weekend and help make the event such a big success this year.
Some of the competition squad will represent CNGA at the Welsh Gymnastics Christmas Festival in Cardiff on Sunday 15th December to perform their amazing routines – Good Luck team CNGA!!
Pictured below a special visitor at CNGA this weekend. #happy gymnasts#love gymnastics#participate, enjoy, achieve at CNGA!!
Ho Ho Ho! Thank you Santa for visiting our gymnastic centre this weekend!
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Wow! What a fantastic competition at CNGA! Day 2 was a huge success with over 40 gymnasts taking part. The first round saw the 8, 9 and 10/11 year old gymnasts perform their routines to music on the floor and use the vaulting zone in accordance with the Classic Challenge rules at Zinc and Copper level.
8 in the Year Competition
All six gymnasts performed their floor routines with confidence and ensured that they included all the requirements for the zinc level competition. The external judges were impressed with their confidence, artistry and skill level – well done girls!
8 in the Year GYMNASTS
6th place Aurora Symons, 5th place Arden Williams, 4th place Primrose Richards, 3rd place Isla Bastow, 2nd place Evie Traves, 1st place Ava Traves
9 in the Year GYMNASTS
9 in the year competition
All four girls gave their best on the floor and over the vaulting zone. Some excellent musical interpretations and dynamic vaulting by all four girls – well done gymnasts!
4th place Emily Jenkins, 3rd place Skye Hooper, 2nd place Livvy Darling-Wyatt, 1st place Roselyn Dyer
10 to 11 years competition
There were 13 girls who competed at this level. It was a very competitive event. The girls were split into two groups and every gymnast gave 100% on the floor and vault. There were some exceptional floor routines to music which impressed the judges .
Group A – positions
6th place – Lacie Blake, 5th place – Evie Thorpe, 4th place – Anastazja Zmudowska, 3rd place – Georgina Salijeni, 2nd place – Millie Rolfe, 1st place – Avalyn Halford
Group B – positions
7th place – Eliza Olander, 6th place – Penelope Clayden, 5th place – Freya Edelman, 4th place – Brooke Arnold, 3rd place – Roksana Mikus, 2nd place – Indie Grace Jackson-Pollock, 1st place – Gracie Wyatt
ROUND TWO – 12 plus age category ZINC and COPPER Levels
There were 14 gymnasts at this level competing at the event. The floor routines were excellent as were the vaults. All the girls gave their best performances on the day and the results were as follows:
ZINC Category:
joint 5th place Paige Williams and Ayla Clothier, 4th place – Daisy Ward, 3rd place – Isla Phillips, 2nd place – Jasmine Evans, 1st place – Nyah Henderson
12 plus ZINC gymnasts
COPPER Category
Silver medal – Mya Burrows
Gold medal – Keeley Williams
12 plus COPPER gymnasts
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The Recreational classes will not run during this half term. They will re-start on Monday 4th November 2024. The competition squad gymnasts will attend a modified programme this week and will be notified of the changes by email.. If you have not received an email about this week or any activities relating to CNGA please contact us at the gym next Monday.
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What a fantastic start to our Halloween floor and vault competition 2024! The competition started with our Year 3 and Year 4 gymnasts in Round 1 and Year 5 upwards in Round 2. They performed the best routines ever! We are so proud of you all. We congratulate all the girls for their performances today. Below are the positions and photo of those girls who positioned 6th place to 1st place.
6th Place – Isla Edwards, 5th place Isla Connolly, 4th place Riyanshi Rane, 3rd place Isla-Mae Chatterton, 2nd place Alba Davies, 1st place Madison Meredith
6th place Vanesa Petrescu, 5th place Bonnie Bridge, 4th place Lettie Daw-Evans, 3rd place Daisy Clayden, 2nd place Melanie Dirwai, 1st place – Millie Baker
6th place Ffion Johnston, 5th place Everly Hardaker, 4th place Ava-Leigh Reynolds, 3rd place Nia Kilsby-Carter, 2nd place Sunnie Crowley, 1st place Daisy Bolwell
5th place – Emily Blake, Joint 3rd place Ava Gibbs and Elsie Burns, 2nd place Kyra-Rose Edmonds, 1st place Eva Kilby
YEAR 7 to 10
3rd place Jessica Holt, 2nd place Lowri Love, 1st place Charlotte Bolt
Advanced Improver Group
6th place Lottie Watkins, 5th Place Nissi Tape, 4th place Olivia Bonnici, 3rd place Lena Serkowiak, 2nd place Bonnie Vaughan, 1st place Binta Chatty.
A special well done to all the girls who competed today and a special thank you to our coaches Annie and Bethan, our volunteer Lin and our visiting judge Pauline. Also to our CNGA leaders Eve, Ayla and Jasmine for their support setting up and organising the gymnasts at the competition today. Pictured below are the leaders helping out and getting the gym and medals ready for the event – thank you girls !
Caught in the act – thanks Jasmine!Nice set up – Thanks Ayla and Jasmine!getting the gym ready! Well done Eve!
3 Gymnasts from City of Newport represented South East Wales at the Classic Challenge finals in North Wales last weekend.
Poppy Price and Jasmine Evans both formed part of the ZINC 12 plus category. Poppy achieved 4th place on the vault and the team achieved bronze medal position.
Keeley Williams was part of the COPPER 12 plus category. She achieved 5th place on the uneven bars and her team also achieved bronze medal position.
Well done to all three girls – we are so proud of your achievements.
Pictured below left to right: Jasmine Evans, Poppy Price, Keeley Williams
Well done girls # City of Newport # love Gymnastics # Participate, Enjoy, Achieve!
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It was another marathon weekend at City of Newport Gymnastic Academy. A total of 32 gymnasts represented the Academy at the South East regional classic challenge competition 2024. We were so proud of every gymnast whose attitude and effort was exceptional! Our perception of success at CNGA is measured by the smiling, happy female gymnasts taking part in sport on a regular basis. We have a motto ‘Participate, Enjoy, Achieve’ and we are so fortunate to have a fantastic squad of respectful children involved in gymnastics at CNGA – from the youngest to the oldest. Our support team of volunteers and coaches make everything happen at the club and it is a collective team effort that is the hallmark of our success. Well done to everyone involved at this competition, and a special mention to our judge representatives – Ryan and Josie!
9 in the Year category
A huge congratulation to our team of 9 year old gymnasts for their effort at the Classic Challenge competition Sunday 6th October 2024
Picture below – our 9 in year team with their silver medals
The team:
back row left to right SKYE HOOPER, ISLA IRVINE-JONES,
front row left to right: EMILY JENKINS, LIVVY DARLING-WYATT
All girls performed their personal best at the event and as a team managed Silver medal place – well done girls! Their individual floor routines were amazing – We are so proud of you !
10/11 Years category
We entered 3 teams into this event. All girls performed excellent routines to the best of their ability. The judges at the competition remarked on how excellent the artistry was and no marks lost on floor routine for artistry.
Pictured below our happy smiling gymnasts 10 to 11 years category.
The floor routines were excellent and the girls worked so well. We had one achievement on vault – Avalyn Halford – 4th place with an amazing half on and yurchenko prep vault. Although there were no other placings at this event for this category – all the gymnasts can be justly proud of their performances.
Congratulations girls!
The 12+ ZINC category included 12 gymnasts from our Academy
Pictured below our 12+ zinc category gymnasts with their ribbons and medal achievements – well done girls!
left to right: Roksana Tkacyznska, Jasmine Evans, Poppy Price, Sophia Matthews, Ava Spiteri, Ayla Clothier, Teigan Sander, Nyah Henderson, Nia Williams, Paige Williams, Isla Phillips. A huge congratulations to these incredible young female gymnasts involved in sport, who gave their best at this year’s South East Wales classic challenge event. All the girls performed amazing routines to the best of their ability and there were some excellent overall achievements as follows:
VAULT – 6th place – Roksana Tkaczynska, 4th place – Nyah Henderson, 1st place – Poppy Price
BARS – 6th place – Roksana Tkaczynska, 4th place – Poppy Price, 1st place – Jasmine Evans
BEAM – 2nd place – Jasmine Evans, 1st place Sophia Matthews
FLOOR – Joint 4th place – Nia Williams and Sophia Matthews
Overall positions:
6th place – Sophia Matthews, 3rd place Poppy Price, 2nd place Jasmine Evans
TEAM STORM – Gold position
Jasmine Evans and Poppy Price will now form part of the South East regional ZINC team of 5 gymnasts at the finals in North Wales on Sunday 13th October. Well done girls and well done to all the gymnasts in this category who took part in the competition.
12+ COPPER Category
3 gymnasts represented CNGA at this event.
Pictured above: left to right: Keeley Williams, Moridiat Olagunju and Alys Davy
All three girls worked amazing routines and we are super proud of your excellent effort throughout the competition. Well done! The achievements are shown below:
VAULT 6th – Moridiat, 5th Alys, 3rd Keeley
FLOOR – 5th Alys, 3rd Moridiat, 2nd Keeley
Overall position: Keeley Williams – 2nd place and will represent South East Wales at the finals in North Wales 12/13 October.
Copper Team position – 4th
Upcoming Events at The Academy:
Halloween Floor and Vault competition for all competition squad and Improver groups
Saturday 26th October – Improver groups (Tuesday and Thursday classes)
Sunday 27th October – Competition squad only
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What an amazing competition held at our fantastic Academy on the weekend of 6th and 7th July 2024!
29 Gymnasts entered the competition at various age group levels and ability levels with some outstanding performances and podium successes. Below are some of the photos taken after the event with gymnasts celebrating a great weekend of competition. We are so proud of all these girls who were a credit to themselves, their parents, coaches and the Gymnastic Academy.
left to right: Leah Tremaine, Millie Rolfe, Avalyn Halford, Anastazja Zmudowska, Evie Thorpe, Emily Rogersleft to right: Roksana Mikus, Freya Edelman, Indie Grace Jackson-Pollock, Lacie Blake, Georgina Salijeni
ZINC LEVEL 10 and 11 in the Year
The gymnasts picture above from CNGA entered this level of competition at this year’s Gymstars event. All girls worked amazing routines and were up against a tough competition of 48 girls in their age group category. There were some outstanding performances and well-deserved top 6 positions from the CNGA gymnasts as shown below.
left to right: Alys Davy, Moridiat Olagunju, Keeley Williams
COPPER LEVEL 12+ Category
The girls pictured above entered this level of competition. All 3 girls completed their routines and included all the requirements on each apparatus at this level of gymnastics. With some fantastic performances on floor, vault and bars from the three girls, they were up against a tough competitive field of gymnasts from all over UK. Well done Alys, Moridiat and Keeley – you are a credit to the Academy!!
The results are below.
Vault Result: Moridiat achieved 6th place
Bars Result: Keeley achieved 2nd place,
Beam Result. No top 6 positions at this event
Floor Result: Moridiat achieved 5th on floor. Keeley achieved 3rd on floor
Overall Result. Keeley achieved 4th place overall
Back Row Left to Right: Poppy Price, Roksana Tkaczynska, Jasmine Evans, Paige Williams Ayla Clothier, Ava Spiteri, Teigan Sander, Sophia Matthews, Nia Williams, Maria Lebedyk. Front Row: Lydia Porter, Darcy Birch, Sophie Jenkins
ZINC LEVEL 12 + years category
The gymnasts pictured above entered this level of competition.
All these amazing girls did fantastic routines on all four apparatus. Although some did not place at this event, their performances were the best they have ever performed in competition. Well done to everyone of them; they are a credit to our Gymnastic Academy. A special well done to Jasmine Evans who gave her best performance ever at this year’s event to secure a top 6 placement on each apparatus and achieving gold medal position overall! Well done Jasmine!!
Overall Results. 6th Place Sophia Matthews, 6th Place Poppy Price, Gold overall – Jasmine Evans,
Special Awards: Sophia Matthews – beautiful split leap on beam. Sophie Jenkins, queen beam pin
Mya Burrows
BRONZE Level 12 + category
16 year old Mya Burrows a super talented gymnast from CNGA competed at this level of the competition. Mya did an amazing floor routine with two difficult tumble lines and beautiful artistry throughout. Her vaults included a yurchenko back handspring onto the vault table and a forward half on with full twist off. She had a couple of mishaps on the beam and bars but completed her routines with maturity and determination. Although there was no top 6 placing for Mya at Gymstars this year, we are so proud of her achievement in artistic gymnastics; she is a credit to our Academy.
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A picture paints a thousand words! Here are the photos of the podium winners at last weekend’s CNGA annual championships. A huge well done to every child that took part – PARTICIPATE! ENJOY! ACHIEVE! Well done everyone! We are super proud of you all.
Reception girls Joint 6th place Betsy Forbes and Allessia Leizeriuc, 5th place Lilly Lewis, 4th place Alhadi Kibe, joint 2nd place Evie Link and Mali Draper 1st place Ayla Verde-ParryYear 1 girls 6th place Denisa Zara, 5th place Lili Wixcey, 4th place Hallie Lloyd, 3rd place Emily Kosa, 2nd place Gianna Evans, 1st place Angelica Tormen6th place Caley Wilson, 5th Place Maddison Meredith, 4th Place Ruby Wilson, 3rd place Isla May Chatterton, 2nd place Alba Davies, 1sts place Roseann SwainAdvanced year 2 3rd place Freya Haviland, 2nd Place Primrose Richards, 1sts Place Isla BrownBoys 4th place Tolani Adebiyi, 3rd place, Finley Gittins, 2nd Place Andrea Iadevaia, 1dt Place Ieuan DraperYear 2 boys 2nd place Oscar Watkins, 1st Place Nathaniel PorterYear 3 girls 6th place Vanessa Petrescu, 5th place, Katherine Robinson, 4th place Lettie Daw-Evans, 3rd place Melanie Dirwai, 2nd place Shaniyah Sievwright, 1st place Daisy ClaydenYear 4 girls 6th place Natalia Kedzierska, 5th place Nia Kilsby-Carter, joint 3rd place Ava-Leigh Reynolds and Ffion Johnston, 2nd place Daisy Bolwell, 1st place Isla Irvine-JonesYear 5 girls 6th place Maizie Davies-Willetts, 5th place Elsie Burns, 4th place Lottie Watkins, 3rd placeKyra-Rose Edmonds, 2nd place Bonnie Vaughan, 1st place Lena SerkowiakYear 6 girls 6th place Marta Mrugacz, 5th place Aysha Kavak, 4th place Charlotte Powell, 3rd place Brooke Gauci, 2nd place Natalia Rogojsz, 1st place Jessica ShawYear 7 to 10 girls 6th place Zoe Marton, 5th Place Lowri Love, 4th place Olivia Bonnici, 3rd place Nissi Tape, 2nd place Jessica Holt, 1st place Binta ChattyAdult category – 1st place – Jasmine Gough8 in year Zinc competition squad 4th place Ava Traves, 3rd place Isla Bastow joint 1st place Evie Traves and Aurora Symons9 in year Zinc competition squad 5th place Lilly-Rose Moss, 4th place Emily Jenkins, 3rd place Skye Hooper, 2nd place Livvy Darling- Wyatt, 1st place Roselyn Dyer10/11 age ZINC competition squad 6th place Evie Thorpe, 5th place Emily Rogers, 4th place Indie-Grace Jackson-Pollock, 3rd place Roksana Mikus, 2nd place Leah Tremaine, 1st place Avalyn Halford12+ age category competition squad 6th place Ayla Clothier and Lydia Porter, 5th place Paige Williams, 4th place Poppy Price, 3rd place Nyah Henderson, 2nd place Sophia Matthews, 1st place Sophie JenkiinsCopper level competition 12+ age group 3rd place Alys Davy, 2nd place Keeley Williams, 1st place Moridiat OlagunjuBronze category 12+ age group 1st place – Mya Burrows
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City of Newport gymnast Moridiat Olagunju represented South East Wales at the Welsh Grades Finals in Llanelli on Sunday 10th March 2024. Moridiat, who won silver medal position in the regional event at the Newport Academy was part of a 5 gymnast team. Her category was the Development Grade 2.
Moridiat performed excellent routines all round including a dynamic, artistic floor routine. Moridiat was placed 6th in the overall competition against 25 gymnasts. She also secured individual placings – 5th on the range and conditioning routine and 4th overall on the floor exercise. Moridiat is pictured below with her placement ribbons – well done Moridiat – thoroughly deserved. Moridiat will now prepare for the Copper level competition at the Academy Championships this weekend.
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